Kindergarten the first day was real tough, I didn't know anyone. It's not like Michael was with me, so I was all alone. But this story has an happy outcome to it, for I met my new best friend that very same day. Our teacher told us that we were going to play a game. So she assigned us partners to help us meet new people. I was the last person to get assigned a partner. My teacher, Mrs.Hate, put me with this short and skinny kid named Timmy Murry. From that day on we were best friends. We had a lot in common such as interest in things such as sports and video games. We both played on my school's soccer team, the St. Clement Crusaders. Ever since the first time I touched a soccer ball, I was good. In all seven years at that school I scored a total of thirty-two goals. That was one of the best on my team! Unfortunately for Timmy he didn't first score until seventh grade but that was only because our coach didn't believe in him enough to put him in on offense. But, Timmy was also good at other sports such as Football and Basketball. I stayed at St.Clement until seventh grade when I would attend Parkway West Middle School.